Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Evernote and a bit of Reflection

I am using my innovation time this week to get started with Evernote. I have mentioned in a previous post that I thought it would be a good way to surgically detach me from my notebook, as it is accessible from any computer. This is particularly important now that we rotate between the School of Health Sciences sites. I therefore created an account and sat down to flick through my notebook to see what I wanted to add. However (and this is not actually a bad thing), I found that most of the stuff I had jotted down when I started was now automatic and I didn't need any more. But there were a few things that only crop up occasionally that I would want at my fingertips. I like the fact that you can tag your notes. The main problem I have with my notebook is finding where exactly I wrote a particular snippet of information. I also feel that desperately leafing through a notebook is not very professional looking. I will definitely be adding to and maintaining my account.

I'm glad I took part in 23 Things. It has raised my awareness of what is out there, some of which I have adopted straight away (Google Reader for following blogs) and some I will keep in the back of my mind for when the occasion arises (Prezi). It has also raised my awareness more generally, for example, I am going to add a picture to this post to make it more interesting. Admittedly, it is a bit random but there is a connection to the picture in the last post and in fact the ladybird elephant from Week 3.

I think when I do things from now on, I will think more about the different ways they could be achieved and look out for any novel approaches.

I have also enjoyed blogging but I don't know if I will keep it up, as I don't know what I would have to talk about!

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